Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Jesus! Are you fuckin kidding me (check Drudge)? Yet again I am stunned by the abject stupidity of my fellow man, woman, whatever. We are just awash in an unusual herd of knuckle draggers these days. Or are we now living in such a media saturated world that every time some dolt scratches his/her butt or picks his/her nose and eats it we get to know all about it? You tell me. I'm speechless. I mean, when Paco said that he knew somebody who could do major surgery on the down low for food stamps and lottery tickets, why didn't a lightbulb go off? Evolution again?


FHB said...


Becky said...

You seem to be digging this blogging thing now.

Just when you think people couldn't be any more stupid...

Dick said...

Anybody that goes down into a basement for surgery, should die.
They don't have enough sense to live.

FHB said...

social darwinism in our own time. the herd thinning itself. bring on the bird flue.

phlegmfatale said...

Yup, the thinning of the herd - the winnowing out of those too stupid to function. Something's got to make up for the permanent teat flopped out by our government for the booger-eating-morons to latch onto permanently.