Friday, December 14, 2007

Friday feed is on... Again.

But first, some other stuff. You remember I'm in a pool league? We play pool every Wednesday night. I suck usually, but I guess I'm getting better. I used to loose all the time but lately it only about half the time. Anyway, I look at it like this. It's an evening out and an chance to drink beer and smoke cigars with some fun folks, so who gives a fuck if I win? Of course, if I start winnin' more often... I'm gonna be a HUGE asshole about it. Well, I dunno. We'll see.

I mean, I WANT to win, but I've decided to put my mind at ease with it and try to remember that old sayin'... It's really about how you play the game. I try to have fun and be a gentleman, and as I've relaxed things seem to be improving. Probably a life lesson in there somewhere.

Anyway, the other thing has to do with all those left over cigar stubs we all accumulate. Friggin' things cost enough that I practically need a roach to finish smokin' 'em. So I've decided to try an experiment. I have a pipe-tomahawk on the book stand in the living room (I posted a picture of it a while back). I'm cutting up all the little nubs and puttin' 'em in a zip lock with a sponge, and I'm gonna see if I can smoke this stuff in that hatchet. Click on these to check this stuff out up close.

I'll figure somethin' out. Should be an interesting blend of flavors, with all the Mac's and Ashton's I've been buyin' cheap, mixed with a few even cheaper and robust Taino's and others. If the tomahawk doesn't work I'll get a new stem for my Calumet (peace pipe). Did I ever show you a shot of that thing? Made it a while back. Anyway, I'll tell ya if it works out.

While I was out in the garage at the work bench I decided to take a few shots to post. More random stuff, like Bruno posts. Of course, my stuff isn't as cool as his friggin' blast furnace in his shop, or whatever, but it's me.

Lots of crap I picked up and won't throw away. It all means something to me.

For instance, this picture was cut out of an old calender from a few years ago. Love it. It's called Mothers Under The Skin, by Charles M. Russel, drawn (pen and ink) in 1900. That quote is the one my Jean Giraudoux that I have posted on the right side of the margin of the blog. I found it in a book by P. J. O'Rourke a long time ago and fell in love with it. The western art is another love of mine. I'll post more pics of some of the stuff I've collected some other day.

Here's another shot of the work bench, cluttered with crap, as usual. You can see knife projects (materials for handles, like the mule deer antler), and pecans that someone gave me a while back, and my dad's old putter. I need to replace the handle on it. He showed me how to do that a long time ago. Easy peasy.

So, Denise is comin' over in a bit and we'll head to Temple and get dad for the big feed. You guys take care and I'll see ya later. Cheers.


Lin said...

What a wonderful collection of 'stuff' and project materials! And the reprint of the pen and ink is delightful, too! You'd definitely make a great hermit with a cabin full of neat stuff.

Chuck said...

That Mother picture is pretty neat. I really like it. Interesting comparison between the two. I also like your fortune cookie slips of paper. You ever add "in bed" to the end of them? "You will obtain your goal if you maintain your bed"

As for all your cigar scraps, I'd mix up a couple dime bags of the good stuff, get you a bong and go to town! ;)

Have fun in Temple!

BRUNO said...

You ain't gonna like that "pot-luck" combo in a pipe, I'll bet! Sounds like "harsh-smokin' city" to me!

And, BTW---I'm terribly envious of YOUR collection of "stuff"---it's a lot better investment!

We each have our own ideas of "fun", when it comes to hobbies, don't we? That's what makes it an ENJOYABLE effort...!!! said...

So, were the peecans incidental or do you use them for some purpose?

PRH said...

I think all in this blog circle are "pack rats" in one form or drinkers, cigar smokers, veterans, and pack rats....not a bad thing, I guess.

FHB said...

Lin - Yea, I'd be a natural hermit. My little unibomber shack would be the spot.

Bruno - Yep, to each his own. I love the fact that all your stuff is mechanical, and that most of it still works. I guess our crap says a lot about who we are.

Mushy - A friend gave me a bag of pecans a while back and I shelll them and eat them whenever I'm out there screwin' around. I have a nice cracker with a rubber band and a slide. Works good. The nuts are cheaper if they haven't been shelled.

Pat - Yep, we blend right in with one another. Makes Mushy's nursing home idea really funny and attractive. Of course, I'll have to visit all you geezers for a while before my time comes.

*Goddess* said...

What's that poster from? The one right behind the lamp.