Thursday, March 15, 2007

Here's some funny comics for your perusal.

Jacked these from the guy over at On the Patio. Check him out some time.

What if relationships could (legally) be dealt with like a small business? What would you define as "outsourcing"?

M-O-N-E-Y... is all I'm sayin'. It's all about the benjamins baby, or so they say.

And, perhaps the most disturbing of all...

Virtually a portrait of the FHB, before the beard. Man, now I'm gonna have that old tune in my head for days. So, what were you doing in 73 when Maria Muldaur was putting that little plea out into the air waves? I was about 12, innocent as hell, but could already tell a belly rubbin' song when I heard one. My God, was there ever a better time to be alive? If only I'd been a little older. Oh well. like that tune, those times ended way too soon.


Anonymous said...

70's huh? Myself, I prefer the '50s. Now them was some good times LOL. I think we all think our particular era was the best. Actually, I really believe the good old days started 12/31/1992. That was the day I retired at the ripe old age of 54.

Dick said...

54? Myron, I hate you. Lucky guy.
73? Running around like any other punk would have been doing then. said...

Amen brother, amen!

HottCops said...

LOL! They're great.

A "belly rubbing song"? I don't think I want to know what that's code for....

FHB said...

Ya know, two bellies rubbin'. A make out song. Sheesh.

NotClauswitz said...

Arrgh, you're a Pirate! I've been reading "The Lost Fleet" by Barry Clifford, and it's a damn good one, you'd love it if you haven't read it already.

Christina RN LMT said...

In 1973?
Let's see...probably losing my last pacifier!
(I had quite the collection at one time, according to my Mom!)

John Enright said...

There's a hiphop version of Midnight At The Oasis.

FHB said...

Can't imagine what that must be like. Looked for it in my Rhapsody system but they didn't have it. I'll keep lookin'.