Monday, August 10, 2009

Nope, not yet.

Shit, it took all afternoon to post these shots to FlickR and label all the friggin' things. There's more to come. SOOOON!


PRH said...


BRUNO said...

Yeah! Less time wipin', an' more time editin'! That's what underwear are for!

Oh, that's right---judging by "An Earlier Picture", you don't WEAR any, do you? Too---"restrictive", I assume???


BRUNO said...

And rumor has it, an earlier-version of the nose-art on the "Strawberry Bitch" was a nude-shot, but had the "clothing" re-painted just prior to it's final flight. Don't know if it's true, but it makes it quite interesting!

I'm exceedingly curious as to how much longer they'll allow such displays like these, what with todays' political-correctness, and "We're sorry we bombed your ass!" attitudes?

Hell, we can't even make fun of Muslim-terrorists anymore! Next, it'll be "non-PC" to kill 'em, as well, I guess...

Grandpa-Old Soldier said...

Lot of work involved with posting all of the pics. I will have to set aside a couple of hours on Saturday and go throught them. Well done.

FHB said...

Pat - Total, unrepentant slacker.

Bruno - I sure as hell do. They just ride up now and then, lettin' the lizard breathe a bit. No harm done.

And yea, things are to PC, female friendly these days. Too many folks with sensitive feelin's.

Old Soldier - Yes sir. Thanks. It takes friggin' time, especially when you've got a job and a girlfriend who gets pissy when you ignore her and sit on the computer all night.

BRUNO said...

(Well, if he was literally sittin' ON the computer---I see now where that might have been where the problem was...!)

FHB said...

Noooo, but I'd try it if it would get the friggin' thing to work faster.