Thursday, April 21, 2011

Was surfin' Live Leak today and ran across this.

You might be thinkin', "What kind of a shut-in nut job would waste his time makin' a mini crossbow?" Er uh, well...

The little fucker works too. Can't find any of the darts any more. They were filed down match sticks with sewing needles glued to the ends. Made it back in the '80s, from match sticks and a bit of frame plastic from a model kit. Hours of time pissed away with a cardboard nail file. Aaaaah, those were the days (he says sarcastically, now realizing all the other stuff he should have been doing back then).

Lookin' at it now, I'm also struck by the realization... I had a lot more patience, and better eyes back then. Cheers.

4 comments: said...

Never made a crossbow, but I did make the needle pointed matchstick darts with paper fins. Lots of fun!

BRUNO said...

I was more "proficient" making light-bulb cannons out of a half-dozen green-bean cans, duct-tape, an' Red Devil lighter-fluid.....!☺

Kenneth said...

The crossbow is genius, and in ways, could be more scary than facing a shotgun. My 8th grade class was terrorized for several weeks by someone shooting needle darts, but the culprit was never caught so no telling how they were launched.

FHB said...

Little boys can be so resourceful when it comes to bloodshed.