Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ok, what the hell is this shit...

Is all I'm sayin'? Warner Herzog on Loche Ness, with something in the water?

Just when I'd decided that shit was fake. Is that Bruce?


none said...

Whatever it's huge and moves like some sort of serpent.

Pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

As Neil wrote and the Monkees sang "I'm a believer".

Dick said...

You can hear it in their voices.
Bad acting.

FHB said...

I think you can see the wake of something in front of the critter, telling me that it is being towed. Very cool hoax, or not, you decide. Thing is, if it's real, why hasn't there been a huge uproar over it? It looks cool as hell. That's fer sure. said...

That was to be my comment too was being towed or reeled toward the back from the trees at the far end.

Yes, and bad coincidental they would begin filming just as "nessie" passes by for a closer look.

I ain't from Missouri...but show me!

Dick said...

Listen to the way they ask, "what is it?"

No Oscars for these folks.

NotClauswitz said...

Dammit none of those pussies had a gun - they could have shot it. With a harpoon at least. Sheesh.