Wednesday, February 14, 2007

You know, I love the hell out of C-SPAN.

I watch it all the time, but I've never seen it this funny. Enjoy.

File it under... Yep, people are assholes.


*Goddess* said...

Ballsac Teabagger? LOL! said...

How do they continue to have the nerve to answer calls, and why don't they put the cutoff button on top of the table to save time?

NotClauswitz said...

LOL - if somebody could just figure out a way to run a couple hundred volts back through the phone....

FHB said...

Thing is, it takes FOR EVER to get through to them on that show. You've got to be really committed to your prank to sit on hold all that time.

And as much of that stuff that I watch, I'm amazed that I've never seen one of these. But then again, I usually see the repeat of this call-in show. I'm never up early enough watching TV to see these live. Not even on the weekend.

And yea, shooting a few thousand volts back and hearing the result would be a hilarious end to the call.