Sunday, July 30, 2006

Ok, now I realize that I should have done these postings backwards, cause that's how they're gonna look to you. Remember, bare with.

Anyway, here's a picture of what looks like the same system (see earlier posting), only this one's being used to pound the shit out of people in Chechnya back in the 1990s. I think its a BM-21, 122mm system. These are the rockets that the PLO used in Lebanon back in the 1980s, which led to Israel's invasion to try to push them back beyond rocket range, and they are the very same rockets used by Hezbollah today. Lets not shit ourselves, this is gonna go on for a good while. Those things are almost impossible to hit until they fire them and expose the launch site, and they can be fired simply by leaning them up against a tree and setting them off with a battery. The VC used to do that sort of shit in Viet Nam. If I was Israeli I might be thinkin of movin to Florida. They can fight the Cubans over whose gonna get the beach front property, until the next hurricane.

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