Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"Bloody Peasant!"

My favorite scene from this movie, with subtitles for the beginners.

For your info: Anarcho-syndicalism is a branch of the anarchist movement which focuses on "workers" and the notion of class equality. "Syndicalisme" is a French word, ultimately derived from the Greek, meaning "trade unionism" – hence, the "syndicalism" qualification.

Anarcho-syndicalists view their movement (yes, they're still around) as a potential force for revolutionary social change, replacing capitalism and the State (government) with a new society democratically self-managed by workers. They seek to abolish the wage system, regarding it as "wage slavery," and state or private ownership of the means of production (factories), which they believe leads to class divisions.

In English... fuckin' idiots, communist bastards who think that the "workers" should all own the factories and share the profits equally, as if they'd built the place and knew how to run it. How the "workers" will ever keep the factories going, designing new products and keeping Wal Mart or the fucking Chinese from taking over everything isn't really clearly thought out. Nor is the way the new capitalists (the workers who are sharing all the money) will keep from evolving into the very thing they got rid of. You know, the smarter, more ruthless "workers" elbowing their comrades out of the way and giving themselves some sort of special privileges. But that's Liberalism for ya. Flash will always trump substance with them. So long as everything SOUNDS more equal, reality will always lose out, and the tax payers will always end up takin' it in the ass.

I'm just sayin'.


none said...

One of my favorite movies.

Yep those peasants should be wearing Obama T-shirts.

BRUNO said...

The coconut-shell "hooves" always got a laugh outta me! Well, between that, and when the "horse" gets wounded by the arrow: "No, wait, wait---I think I'm getting better!"

Kevin said...

Yup, sounds like good old communism to me, and we all know how well that worked out... well, except for Obama and the rest of his ilk...

Harry J said...

FHB new to your blog but I am sure I will be a steady reader, I love the movie format....