Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Most of the really important things I learned as a kid I learned at recess...

And now stupid shit like this is making it impossible for today's kids to learn many of those valuable lessons. Shister lawyers and stupid lazy parents are making it so that the kids can't be allowed to play outside for fear that someone will sue the school if little Johnny stubs his toe, or even if little Jane gets here self esteem bruised by not being picked for a team. I had to live with that little bit of public humiliation on a regular basis when I was a kid, and I knew it was because I sucked at the games they wanted to play.

Turns out I didn't care very much about their games, and rather than be hurt by the rejection, I learned to tell them to go fuck themselves when they didn't pick me. But if I'd wanted to be picked, I'd have worked harder to get better at the game. I had all those options back then, and the decision I was allowed to make is one of the things that made me the guy I am today. Now, all you have to do is go crying to the local representative of the Nanny State and they step forward to stop everyone from playing the games at all.

What sort of lesson does that teach the kids? What sort of country will they foist on their kids a generation from now? It's no wonder so many of the little bastards are fat as hell and spending all their time playing with computers. This nation is going to hell fast. Makes me sick.

7 comments: said...

We're raisin' pussies!

Dick said...

What a bunch of pussies!

*Goddess* said...

And yet almost every day we read stories about how fat and lazy our kids are becoming. No damn wonder.

Anonymous said...

kids should not be allowed on computers or gaming until they are 16 make it like ciggerettes or booze because they are just as hazardous to their health give them encylopedias for their education until then

Kelly said...

When we're elderly and in nursing homes, we're going to be taken care of by a bunch of pussy adults.

"No, no Mr. Smith. You'd better never get out of bed. You may slip and fall down."

Isn't it kind of hypocritical for parents to complain that their kids are too fat, then take away their means of exercise (tag, running around and just being kids ferchrissake)?

This is the end of the human race as we know it. And who is to blame? Sissy parents and lawyers.

It's a fortunate thing I don't have kids. I'd probably be writing nasty letters to the school board constantly.

God, the longer I live, the more humanity manages to piss me off.

Becky said...

And tag is also how kids get exercise. Everybody gives in too easily nowadays.

phlegmfatale said...

Idiotic. No wonder they're such useless pieces of shit when they reach adulthood, in a lot of cases. What a nightmare society we are creating for ourselves.