Monday, November 01, 2010

Something about this...

'Rush Hour' at Waterloo train station south London, 1970.

Maybe it's the fart noise music, or the clock ticking. I dunno. I likes it.


BRUNO said...

Looks like a bunch of piss-ants, just after somebody shouted:"LOOK-OUT!!! HE'S GOT A CAN OF RAID!!!"

(I DO kinda wonder what kind of drugs the fellas on the switches must need to take, though??? Shit, I'd already ran screamin' from the building, within the first five-minutes...!!!)

Kenneth said...

Like watching a movie about India, but with better clothes and fewer beggars. And I would bet they drink lots of vodka. I can't think of another drug that would make working there more fun, and even easier. No worries, and, "The train leaves when I say!"

FHB said...

Don't know if I could do that job. There'd be an Oops moment before you knew it.