Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Watch out...

The appetite's back. Be afraid, very afraid. Dad and I had to miss our regular Friday dinner last week, so I called and I'm taking him tonight. I finished the classes in Florence this morning and don't have to go back till January 3rd. Can you believe they start back to high school on the 3rd? Seems to me we used to have till mid month back in the day. One more final on the base tonight, and I'm done for the rest of the week. Mini term starts Monday. No rest for the weary.


Anonymous said...

Glad you're feeling better. Lot of nasty shit going around.

phlegmfatale said...

it sucks how little time they give kids off from school these days - No way in hell should kids have to be in school before labor day - it's ridiculous to pay to air-condition enormous buildings when it's 100+ degrees outside, and it's too hot for kids to focus properly.