Monday, April 02, 2007

Another little musical interlude.

These guys are the '60s to me, along with the Beatles and the Doors. You hear some music and, like a smell, it takes you right back to a time and place. My family was living in England in the late 60s; my dad absorbed in his Air Force career, my mom homesick and usually not much good to me, my older sister having a great time (the best time of her life, she says), and me in my room, listening to the record player, daydreaming and reading the encyclopedia or classic comics instead of doing school work. Enjoy.


none said...

Great song! Their music brings back lots of memories.

This is a good site I keep playing in the backround as I read blogs and stuff.

It's got the top songs for every year from 1950 to 1984 and it plays a whole year before you have to choose another. said...

"...people hearing without listening..." is a line that always ate at me. I used to want to share my feelings with someone, something in a song and I'd play it, but they never picked up on the meaning I wanted them to get. I wanted to choke the shit out of them.

My mother was one, I'd play a song and right in the middle she would start talking about something unrelated. I'd turn off the stereo and sit there. She never understood.

I always same things in songs or literature that I did, and I've had at least two. If only I could clone myself and share my thoughts...oh wait...that's the purpose of my blog! Am I listening?

Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

Wayheyyy....what a brilliant time-capsule ride that one shot me back to - thanks for that! (Needed it.)

phlegmfatale said...

good shit.

John Enright said...

I wonder if that's the Central Park reunion concert. Anyway, it was good to see and hear again.