Cheryl Crow, a huge acolyte for the Bhagwan Gore Rashneesh's Global Warming scare offensive, is telling us all that we should limit our toilet paper use to one square at a time. Maybe two or three if it's an emergency. She wants to save trees. Sport a skid mark for the rain forest, is her impassioned plea. It occurs to me that these folks who've drunk the cool-aid (in the popular analogy), have a lot in common with an earlier group of believers.
Back in the 1830s and 40s, there was a new religious fervor spreading in America. In the textbooks we call it the Second Great Awakening. They'd printed the new testament in English in the 1600s, and German and everything else. When it was made available to the public, and when they were given enough time to read it and parse out the sexy bits (all the fire and brimstone), the great unwashed out there (and a lot of well meaning people) decided that the end of the world was nigh. Lots of folks came up with their own way of preparing for the end. Some sat in quiet contemplation, while others danced with snakes.One guy, a farmer from New York state named William Miller, looked at his Bible very carefully. He read the ages of the various figures and came up with a date on which he claimed the second coming of Christ would occur. He publicized his date, and followers began to prepare for the end. They sold all their possessions, gathered in open places and waited for the rapture.
Of course, nothing happened. Miller went back to his Bible and announced to the nervous followers that he had made an error in his calculations. He set another date, and the followers once again prepared themselves for the second coming. Guess what happened? Nothing. Nichivo. Nada... is what happened. They picked themselves up, dusted themselves off, and went about their business, deciding after all that God's will was too mysterious for mere humans to discern. They went on to become famous as flagellants during the great depression of the 1840s (1839 to 43), going from town to town, beating themselves bloody to atone for the sins of the world. They continue to prepare today. Some of the modern day descendants of Millerites are the 7Th Day Adventists.
The Branch Davidians, who held out for so long and then immolated themselves and their babies in the dramatic end of the Waco standoff, were a modern fundamentalist branch of the Adventists. All these different chords rang in my head today when I heard a radio commentator refer to Al Gore as the David Koresh of the environmental movement. It occurs to me that in the movement, whatever movement it is, for people to follow all the way they have to put blinders on, shutting off common sense, and "drink the cool-aid", all the way back.
Maybe we should update the first amendment to add pseudo religions like Global Warming to the list of faiths separated from public policy makers and the government purse by the "high wall of separation"? What do you think?
Monday, April 23, 2007
Driving to work this morning and heard a new one.
Posted by FHB at 7:37 PM
Labels: celebrity drivel, politics, suppressing the gag reflex, the great global warming swindle
She is a nutbag. One square? Will there be a toilet paper squad breaking down my door if I blow my nose with some?
She may not realize that trees are grown especially for consumer products, the less that are utilized the less trees planted.
I think it's a Cargo Cult and they've got a bone in their nose. There are elements and things that suggest the appearance of "technology" and of "science," but on closer examination it's not really a radar-array, it's a bunch of bamboo tied-up to look that way, the radio has a coconut headset, the thermometer is a painted stick, and the "ice cores" are a couple Slurpies from 7-11. Kool-aid.
They're play-acting and making it look like something that they vaguely remember but slept-through (or cut-class to get stoned) in 7th grade Science - because it was totally un-cool - and the "math" they use is really just a funny kind of numerology.
Broadcast Media folks being a bunch of "hey look at me" liberal arts journalists - the smartass guys in the back of the class who were always cracking jokes, passing "Zap!" magazine around, and getting sent to the Principal's Office - they missed Science class too. In Media-World their cargo-job is simple: back-to-basics as attention-getters, they just compete in the Media Stream to make more noise - they could just as easily stand on a street-corner waving an big yellow arrow to a new apartment complex. They lucked (and back-stabbed) their way into any jobs at all.
The first time I heard that story about Sheryl on CNN this morning, I thought, "Damn. She BETTER be joking!" I can't do my business with just one sheet!
Well hell, now that Sheryl Crow has weighed in, Global Warming must be true. I shall adjust my teepee consumption forthwith. C'mon people! We have a planet to save! What's a few skidmarks and itchy butts compared to that?
As many dumps I take in a day, I couldn't imagine only one square. That would only tackle like 2% of the shit smears my ass has to deal with.
Interesting about the 7th day adv...I didn't know that.
What a maroon! What a dirty ass!
I always wondered what those leather pants smelled I don't want to know anymore.
My first wife as packed at least twice for the second son, just laughs at her and says, mom's gone to mountains again to meet Jesus!
Um, I saw something about 1 sheet of TP per toilet event, which blew my mind. I mean, SHIT! They already are killing us with low-flow toilets - they've taken a 4-flusher and turned it into 40, and now we get one measly sheet of TP? Yeah, a VERY high wall of separation.
Maybe they'll have a "smell-police" to differentiate between the believers and non-believers.
Sorry, I think my (non-stinky, toilet paper wasting) ass is firmly on the non-believer side of the fence.
I always knew that Andrex Puppy was damned for hell.
(This may not translate, if you don't have that ad., just take my word for it, he's a BAD BOY.)
Too bad, I used to want to do her, the bitch.
3M markets a line of paper that would suite her, from fine 220 grit on up.
And for some strange there's the wet/dry...yow!
Remind me never to shake hands with her.
I think I left a comment at the wrong place...
I was going to say remind me to never shake hands with her.
Apologies if that ended up elsewhere.
There it is.
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