Monday, February 11, 2008

Sittin' around here all morning and afternoon, sick as a dog.

This shit started last week. I had some left over Tylenol Cold from the last episode, and some Mucinex DM. It was hittin' me hard by Friday, with a fever and sore throat and the beginning of a cough, so I got out of class a bit early and decided to go to a pharmacy and get some serious pills. They gave me Drixoral (I had to sign for it), and I kept takin' the Mucinex, and now and then I take a swig of the local grocery stores knock off version of Nyquil to soothe my throat. Never took this kind of soup of pills before. Worries me.

I called off last Fridays dinner with dad so as not to infect him. Turns out he was puny too, but was over it and well enough that he and mom went to eat shrimp at the Outback Sunday night. Good for them.

Denise has been waiting on me hand and foot, and worrying that I've got something serious. I worry that she's gonna catch it from me, but she laughs that off. Even so, my little jokes about Bird Flue don't go very far around here.

I was hopin' this shit would be mostly over by this morning, but the deep, raspy cough is still hangin' on and doesn't seem to want to go away. I feel it in my lungs every time I breathe, and every deep breath leads to a painful cough. Not fun. Denise went to the store Saturday night and got me some Vics Vapo Rub on the advise of a nurse friends of ours and I've been breathing that crud now for two days. It may be helping.

I called in sick down in Florence this morning and then canceled my lunch time classes on base. I just called and got an appointment to see a doctor at 5pm today, so I won't be going in to my Evening classes ether. Normally, If I miss a class, the administrators expect me to find someone (another teacher) to cover my classes and pay them for their time. It sucks havin' to do that, but I'll have to if this crud doesn't get better soon. I can't talk for a living with this throat, and I can't continue to blow off classes.

By the way, have I said anything about how mind numbingly stupid daytime TV is? Denise ate my ass when she came over here for lunch and found me on the computer, but I swear to God, it was ether read and catch up on blogs or open a vain. I had some stupid drivel about aliens or such on the History Channel, and then people going over Niagara Falls in a barrel. Idiots! At one point I found some Tom and Jerry cartoons and was in bliss for about 15 minutes. Then there was blow by blow coverage of an Obama event somewhere... "We'll get the gubment to pay for your education, health care, change the whole scope of politics in America, balance the budget, AND get the troops home by Christmas..." Yea, and then you wake up buddy, just in time for our national nightmare to plunge to even deeper depths.

Anyway, I'll go in to see the doctor tonight and maybe he'll give me a big fat shot full of somethin' that puts and end to this in no time. Otherwise, I'll let you know where to send flowers. Just divide up my gear and speak well of me when you go to the range. The Garand and the Makarov are spoken for, but everything else is up for grabs. Cheers.


Bag Blog said...

The crud is definitely going around - hope you get well soon. I just dropped by from Buck's blog. I've been by before and will do so again. You are right, day time TV sucks, but now that I am a computer-holic I don't mind so much. said...

Well, you did it, you beat that last drivel of a post! But seriously, I understand, just trying to push you to feel better I suppose.

Anyway, I don't want nothing you got, but you bud!

I am so glad you are going to a doctor, 'cause it was sounding like pneumonia to me...and that's what kills most folks with that kind of crude. Don't take any chances...send me an email when you get back!

Get well soon...I need someone to pick on that can fight back!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i'm trying not to touch anything in here! ha ha ha i am such a germ-o-phobe! hope you feel better jeff!

smiles, bee

none said...

My wife had it for a week and had to get a steroid shot, pennicillin shot and a week of pills.

Take care and get well soon!

JDP said...

Hope you get to feeling your old fat hairy self real soon!


JDP said...

Insert "like" between feeling and your.


NotClauswitz said...

Daytime TV is beyond mind numbingly stupid, it's terrifyingly idiotic and populated with Sphinx-like hair-cut headed morons besides. Must be a big factor in the explosion of the Internet. It's not possible to watch a single thing before the 5:00 News without having a siezure attack...

J said...

I call dibs on your books!! It does sound like pnemonia, so I am glad you went and saw a doc. Get better hon!