Thursday, March 08, 2007

Now that "Scooter" has been convicted, and the Dems in the House have come up with a time table, lets look back at their track record.

Remember, those Dems got the same intel briefing Bush got, from the same CIA guys. So, who lied, and who's now tryin' to use the suffering of up to 20,000 killed and wounded Americans to win public office? Say what you will about the cause we've been fighting for, but this sort of duplicity in war time, when people are under fire, stinks to high heaven. Ether pull them out, or send in the B-52s, but don't send a few more of them in knowing it's for nothing, just so you'll look hard to the voters while you undermine the effort.

4 comments: said...

You said it!

BTW...your clock is off about an hour!

FHB said...

Not where I live buddy.

Dick said...

I'm so shoving this up the asses of about a thousand people tomorrow.

phlegmfatale said...

I'm sick of the hypocrites in some of the highest US offices who change their tunes with the wind, and all for the sake of political gain. Bastards.