Saturday, August 23, 2008

This is Interesting ...

Give it a try. When you click on this link, a series of about 15 pictures will come up.

Click on a photo in that category that appeals to you. When you do, 15 more pictures will come up. Click the one that feels good to you and move on.

Just continue to keep picking. At the end it will give you a profile of yourself. It's called a visual DNA. Your choices dictate your profile.

Click on the tabs on the right and it'll lay out your profile. Actually, I thought mine was about half right, half bullshit, but you give it a try. See what happens. Cheers.


Sarge Charlie said...

it was interesting

Anonymous said...

Mine seemed fairly accurate, but vague. I could definitely have made different choices.

BRUNO said...

Yeah, pretty close---needs more "real-life" options for us "out in the sticks" folk, though...!