Friday, August 04, 2006

Did Phillip cut one? You tell me.

Ether he let one go or he's got one of those rubber ball, fart

noise producing things and made a little grandpa humor.

Humanizes them a bit, I think.


Anonymous said...

That is freakin hilarious!! Why haven't we seen that in People Magazine or something?

FHB said...

Don't know. Too many things blowin up these days I guess. said...

Surely a royal fart doesn't stink!

The old geezer does look guilty as hell, and the Queen Mum is just about to wrinkle her nose.

Too funny!

phlegmfatale said...

I agree - this looks like a family cutting up a bit - a welcome respite from the usual stiffness they exhibit. I think Prince Harry is a great guy, very normal, actually.

Anonymous said...

Queen Liz definitely looks as if she would like to hold her nose, but she contents herself with moving away. By the third set of photos, she is a full foot away from Philip, but the expression and the stiff posture don't change. Blood will tell!