Thursday, August 24, 2006

Somebody said it was FOAD Thursday?

I think I've got that covered. Fuck-off-and-die
Thursday? Where do you guys come up with this
shit? Seriously. Is there a committee somewhere?

And no, that's not me ether, but I know how he feels.
I lost it in front of the kiddies (high school seniors) the
other day. Was showing them a video and they just
would not be quiet and watch it. Bunch of chatterers.
I shushed em a few times and got increasingly pissed off
as time went on. Finally, standing over them in a loud voice
I said...

"How many God damn times am I gonna
have to tell you all to shit up? Sit there quietly
and watch the damn video!"

Well, they sat there still as little statues for about the next
15 minutes. I immediately thought "Oh shit, what did I
say and who heard it?" Obviously they frown on cursing
in the public school system, but considering what little
shits these kids are, I'm amazed it doesn't happen more
often. No one has said anything to me so I guess I'm in
the clear. I guess I get a bit of a pass because I teach
a college class and I'm not a public school employee.
Anyway, It cracks me up thinking about it. Would
suck to be drug in front of the principal at my age.
Not too worried about it. They're pretty cool down there.


Canoes under my shoes said...

I work in a grade school and have been known to accidentally let one fly. I'm sitting here giggling at your outburst!

phlegmfatale said...

Ah, the little devils probably all need a sound beating, actually. Good on you! said...

And the children say THANK YOU for posting the Missing Children link. That is a new window and it looks good. I may have to change mine.

Becky said...

I could never teach b/c I couldn't not swear when they behaved that way.

Thomas J Wolfenden said...

I firmly believe they should bring back corporal punishment...

I used to get the living shit beat out of me by the nuns in school...

Fear is a very effective tool when used properly.

FHB said...

You know, i briefly went to a catholic school in the early 70s, and I know just what you mean. Those were some scary bitches.

I'm a huge believer in the idea that fear is the greatest motivater. I think that's why we have it. Otherwise, what the hell good is it?

Juanita said...

I'm thinking you're probably in the clear, especially since you didn't let the f-word fly.

FHB said...

Yea, the F-bomb would have really ripped it.

V said...

Found my way here via LBB... greetings, feller Texan. Never slipped that far in front of my 3rd graders. Have thought it though. :)

Course, at my school, you show kindergarteners a cool picture book and they exclaim, "daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!!!"