Thursday, August 03, 2006


If you think life has delt you a bad hand...

Or your jub is a dehumanizing bore...

or your sex life isn't working out the way you
want it to...

then the last thing you shoud probably do...

is go around judging other people. You may
find, when you get to know them a little better...

That you didnt really know that much about them at all.

So ends the lesson.

3 comments: said...

A guy once told me about chasing a dudette like that last one down Cumberland Ave. one night in Knoxville, after he/sheit surprised him with a hidden "item" just as he was crawling in bed. He probably would have killed the shemale if he could have caught'em too, but I would never have told the story in the first place!

Anonymous said...

I could have done without seeing that last pic. I think I threw up a little in my mouth...

Mushy, I like the mention of The Stip...takes me back.

phlegmfatale said...

That is just wrong!*LOL* Maybe those ugly ass and hideously long feet hanging over the edge of the sandals was the first clue?