Monday, January 01, 2007

The motion of the ocean.

Here's a special new years day image for all you folks with new years resolutions to lose weight. Buck up. You could look like this fat bastard.

He's proud of that shit too. Look at him caress it, like he's thinkin' "Oh yea. I'm SO hot. The chicks are gonna really love this." Amazing.
Ok, that's just too damn disturbing. I didn't watch it all the way through until after I posted it. Icky.


*Goddess* said...

On a positive note he kept his underwear on.... said...

...that's because he couldn't find it!

I kept waiting for him to give birth or something.

Just Another Old Geezer said...

Aw man. That 'bout ruined my breakfast. And I did not and will not watch it all the way through. Damn FHB, at least I puts girls trying to get out of their jeans on my blog LOL

FHB said...

Goddess and Mushy... yea, thank goodness for small blessings.

and Myron... very good point. Sorry for the early mornin' grosds out. Was prompted by sis, in that dinner last night. She kept sayin', "well, my diet will start tomorrow", and then shovelin' the bloomin' onion in like, well, like I was. Always funny.

AB5SY said...

I regret clicking it.......arghhhhhhhhhhh!

jules said...

You didn't watch him licking his own titties? Wimp!

FHB said...

I did later, through two fingers of my hand, sheilding myself from the horror, but not till after I posted it. It kinda goes on and on. I guess I'm lucky he doesn't rip off the little red undies in the end. That might get me flagged.

Dick said...

That was one great big, fat ugly, titty licken motherfucker.

none said...

Blarrrrg! Thank god I've got a trash can next to my desk.

*Goddess* said...

You guys are so fickle! Show a skinny chick with big tits sucking 'em and you're loving it. But show a big dude doing it and you're squicked out. There's just no pleasing you guys...

FHB said...

True. We're fickle I guess. Guilty. For a second, when I read this comment in my email in-box, I thought you were talkin' about the fat guys nut sack in the next post. We'd a had an argument then.

Maven said...

Interesting choice of videos! Hey, if the guy seems proud of it, what's the harm in that? I mean the harm to us, say, other than harm to our retinas?

I, on the other hand, suddenly have lost my appetite.