Saturday, June 02, 2007

Well, it's Friday again, or was, and you know what that means.

Dad and I made out regular trip to the Chinese place, and the food proved to be better than usual. I must have driven up just as the right batch of Gen. Tso's was whipped up in the back. I took a few lame shots with the camera phone, but nether came out too well. Here's dad, back lit by the set of windows they always put us next to.

I'll have to remember to sit on the other side of him next time. I feel too self conscious to take the real camera and start taking pictures of my dinner plate and stuff, flashes going off, and everyone thinking I'm some kinda tourist. So the camera phone will have to do. Did I say that the General Tso's was amazing?

Just look at the size of those shrimp, and that egg roll was to die for. The plate looks deceptively small in this shot, but take my word for it, it was a generous helping. One plate like this and I'm approaching maximum density.

The folks at the restaurant have gotten used to seeing us come in at about the same time every Friday. They know what dad likes to eat and zip into the kitchen and cook him a fresh batch. They usually have him situated and the red sauce on the table by the time I park the car (I let him out in front of the place). I tip the hell outa them, so they appreciate our business, and I think they like the sight of this old guy and his huge son coming in every Friday for a guys night out. We both eat the same thing every time. When you know what you like, why screw around? I usually pile up the shrimp fried rice and Gen. Tso's on the first plate, and then experiment with the second. Here's an old shot, from a few months ago (just figured out how to get the pictures of this phone).

That's steak on the left, fresh off the grill, and more Gen. Tso's and corn covered in pepper. I tell ya, they really know what they're doing at this place. After dad finishes his fried shrimp and ice cream, we usually ether go over and visit one of his cousins who lives over by the restaurant, or we go hit golf balls, or we just head home. This time we went over to Academy so that I could fondle the fishing tackle.

I left dad in the golf section and wandered through the many isles of fishing rods a lures, longing for the trip I'd be on to Canada right now if the fuckers out at work hadn't rescheduled our break to late July. The other guys are still going up to Gananoque, but I'll be here, waiting for the local creeks and lakes to relax a bit after our recent deluge. No fun fishing at flood stage.

After that we went back to the folks house and I returned all the pictures I've been scanning in the last few weeks. Mom and I went through the rest of their pictures, looking them over. Some treasures in there. I found this shot of me holding our last Pug, Rascal (the little guy I talked about in the earlier post), and almost burst into tears.

Man, I miss this little dude. I brought this other batch home so I can go through them and scan the ones I want to have here on the hard drive. Turns out this is probably the best batch, containing the choice shots from back in the day. Here's a great shot showing how long I've been a music lover.

My sister and I in Bermuda, where I was born, listening to something scintillating. Dig that concentration. And here's proof that dad and I have been hanging out for a long time.

Mom came home one day in Bermuda and found dad and one of his Sargent's giving me my very first haircut.

God, he looks elated. His boy was taking his first step toward manhood - his first buzz cut. He was getting rid of the long curly locks that my mom had loved so much. Remember having to sit on that board that they put across the arms of the barber chair? Man, who'd a thought that I'd have fond memories of that?

Well, there'll be more where these came from later. It's gonna be a lazy weekend here. Hope yours if fun. Have a great time and I'll see ya later.

6 comments: said...

An excellent Mushy style the food, family, and animal shots!

These are the things that make life enjoyable and that you will long remember (especially now that you've documented them).

Wish I could sample that food too!

FHB said...

Man, the three of us hitting that buffet? That'd be a hall of a time, and a great post, wouldn't it?

Christina RN LMT said...

It all looks very delicious!
Silver and I have a local place, The Golden Dragon, about half a block from where we live.
We often go there Sundays after Silver finishes her volunteer gig at the library.
They have a ridiculously inexpensive all-you-can-eat lunch buffet, so how can we lose?!

Christina RN LMT said...

Oh, and I reminded my Dad that he forgot my birthday this year, and that guilt presents are the best (his words, not mine!), so it looks like I'll be getting a digital camera finally.
I'll be able to post pictures of my puppies and maybe my huge, pregnant belly. (Like anyone wants to see that!).

Anonymous said...

Love the old pics. I remember the barber board well. The Chinese food looks good too. Have a great weekend.

phlegmfatale said...

more marvelous family photos - thanks! I love the one of you and sissie! And you and Rascal - how sweet - he looks like a marvelous beast!