Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines Day... A blast from a not too distant past.

Damn. Just damn. In the space of my lifetime, how far we've come.


BRUNO said...

Yessir, back when the men were REAL MEN---and the WOMEN were damned glad of it...!☺

Julie said...

I just threw up a little. "A man's satisfaction is more important that a woman's".

Can't. Stop. Laughing.

Chuck said...

What's the big deal? That's the way it is at my house... said...

Today, the roles are reversed!

PRH said...

How far we have come?


Look no farther than Washington DC, we have went to far IMO.

FHB said...

True true, but just think how much more fun things would have been for everyone now if they'd been handin' out copies of the Arabian Nights, or the Kama Sutra in stead, and all those women had handed down the glories of the Kegel exercise to their daughters (and sons), rather than the notion that sex was dirty. Such a shame.