Thursday, September 07, 2006

A bit more wisdom...

The only place men want depth in a woman is in her decolletage.
- Zsa Zsa Gabor.

The desire engendered in the male gland is a hundred times more difficult to control than the desire bred in the female glands. All girls agreeing to a lovers' lane tete-a-tete in a car, knowing that they will limit their actions to arousing desires and then defend their "virtue," should be horsewhipped.
- Marlene Dietrich.

I'm saving the bass player for Omaha.
- Janis Joplin.

Women are like banks, boy. Breaking and entering is a serious business.
- Joe Orton.

... as in the dark all cats are grey, the pleasure of corporeal enjoyment with an older woman is at least equal, and frequently superior, every knack being by practice capable of improvement.
- Benjamin Franklin.

Older women are best because they always think they may be doing it for the last time.
- Ian Fleming.

I trust you know the "three nevers" for proper gentlemen?
Never shoot south of the Thames.
Never follow whiskey with port.
Never have your wife in the morning - the day may have something better to offer.
- P.V. Taylor.

Forget school kids: Why don't they bus horny women?
- George Carlin.

To succeed with the opposite sex, tell her you are impotent. She can't wait to disprove it.
- Cary Grant, at age 72.

You have to do tobacco like you do a woman. You must let it work up a good chew, let it get moist and juicy. If you chew too fast, it will become dry and fall apart.
- Phil Garner.

At one time or another most men have had sexual encounters that have a sad similarity to pushing an oyster through a keyhole.
- Anonymous.

Holy Mother we do believe,
That without sin thou didst conceive;
May we now in Thee believing,
Also sin without conceiving?
- A.P. Herbert.

And finally, when the Prince of Wales, the future King Edward the VII, said to his mistress, Lily Langtry, during a quarrel, that he'd spent enough on her to buy a battleship, she replied, "And you've spent enough in me to float one."

3 comments: said...

Marlene speaks on a truth I have often pondered - why if a girl gets had was she in the position to in the first place?

I agree with Ian Fleming too - found this to true of plump ladies as well - it might be their last!

Once did a sort of Cary Grant in the Air Force - we took turns being the rich kid that hated his father and didn't won't the family money and was too distraught to party - girls made it their goal to become our confidant.

Ol' Anonymous hit on a sore spot - it's happened to the best of us!

Good ones.

FHB said...

I had a student once, a grizzled old veteran who had retired from the army and was taking classes, who told me that when he was young in the late 1960s he would regularly attend anti-draft protests. He said that he would go up in front of everyone and produce some official looking documents and burn them. He says he did this a lot, and every time he burned his "draft card" he got laid. Some sympathetic little hippy would end up going off with him. Hilarious! Adds a whole new demention to the era for a relative youngster like me.

Thomas J Wolfenden said...

"Divorce isn't expensive, it's priceless..."

~Ranger Tom