Sunday, August 26, 2007

I spent a good part of my childhood watching this show, The Thunderbirds, but it was never this funny before.


Inside our hands, outside our hearts said...

Goodness! I do not recall that cartoon, but then, I wasn't into them that much.... If we were to ompare them to todays cartoons... wow, who would have guessed, eh?

Inside our hands, outside our hearts said...

By the way great tune of Steven Becks....

none said...

I much prefer these thunderbirds.

Reminds me of the recent Brit gangster films.

Very funny!

*Goddess* said...

Mmmmm, I've never heard of The Thunderbirds either. I hate those sorts of "puppet" shows. Reminds me of that annoying Davey & Goliath. UGH.

david mcmahon said...

How cool was Brains in the `original' Thunderbirds!

And Virgil was named after astronaut Virgil Grissom ....

Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

Oh, I love it!! You and I are obviously of the same era (sigh). Mind you, back then it was puppets or nothing, more or less, eh? Smile.